
Okayyy… So I think I did mention earlier that I write short pieces, like poems or just simple essays. This time I’ve decided to write down one of these essays. The name of the piece is ‘HAPPINESS’. I hope you guys like it!


The feeling of happiness, I feel, differs from one being to another. To one, happiness may be riding a ten-point wave perfectly without even wavering once while surfing; to another, it might be seeing a smile stretch * their mother’s face when they show her the spelling test paper which they did great at; to a third, simply lying down on the sofa with their cat snuggled beside them may be happiness. ‘Happiness’ as a whole, therefore, cannot be defined.

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For me, happiness does not point to only one thing. Many actions mixed make my heart flutter with joy. Twirling in the living room with my younger sister while competing whose dress has more flair brings happiness to me. Waking up in the morning to my pet dog drooling over my face brings me happiness as well as irritation. Happiness is the feeling when I see my younger brother squeal with glee when I let him win in a board game. The teasing that comes after is happiness for me as well, I suppose.

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Dancing in the rain while flailing my hands around myself, not caring who’s watching, brings me happiness. Having an entire jar of Nutella chocolate without having to think how bloated I’m going to feel later makes me happy, though I do regret my actions afterwards. Feeling the butterflies tingle in my stomach as I reach the peak of a Ferris wheel brings me the sense of happiness. Walking into a book store, with the faint smell of paper, with my entire allowance in my hand makes me want to squeal with joy and buy everything that my eyes set on.

Image result for drawing of hersheys jar  Image result for drawing of happiness

Happiness to me is a feeling when I have a grin stretched from ear to ear. It is the feeling of not having a care in the world and enjoying life just the way it is. It is when I see my loved ones joyous and cheerful. Happiness, to me, brings a sense of hope and meaning that everything is going to be just fine.

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Let me know what makes YOU feel happy down below in the comment section! Don’t forget!

– Just Another Magical Soul

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