Book Review | Frankly In Love by David Yoon

So whenever someone asks me, “So what’s your favorite book?” I usually end up saying something like, “Oh, there are so many good ones I don’t think I can choose just ONE”. But guess what? I think I’ve found my answer to that question…The next time someone asks me, I’m gonna say FRANKLY IN LOVE!!!

Image result for frankly in love

You might think I’m overreacting, but believe me, I’m not. I was rooting for Frank Li (thus the name of the book Frank-ly) throughout. His thoughts were such mundane ones that I’m pretty sure I would’ve had the same ones in such situations (does that make sense?)

So basically this is the plot of the novel. Frank Li (a name consisting of exactly 7 letters) is the son of Korean parents who run a departmental store. His parents are the perfect example of racist parents – to them, Koreans are the best type of humans on the planet. As a result, they can’t even fathom Frank dating an American girl and think that he should date his Korean family friend Joy Song (7-lettered name once again). So what happens when Frank starts dating American Brit Means (9 letters) from school? Joy and Frank decide to fake-date to keep their parents happy and to continue dating their non-Korean significant others…

Yeah, you guessed it. Joy and Frank don’t really realize when the fake dating changes to real dating and now they’re head over heels in love with each other. Frank thinks his life is perfect now. Yes, he had to unintentionally hurt a few people on the way to get there, but he couldn’t believe he got to date the girl of his dreams – someone who he knew for as long as he could remember and grew up with.

Alas, God wasn’t through sending curve balls his way. Just as he thought everything was in order, his entire world explodes. Never in a million years does he imagine being in the position that he finds himself in. He must now choose what he wants and what his parents want – two very contrasting wants. And of course, throw the SAT and college decisions anxiety into the mix as well. Just perfect!

This book was such a raw and special one that I’m almost mad at myself for not reading it sooner. I think I’ve realized that I do this thing where I tend to not read a book that’s been hyped up a lot. I think that’s cuz I get really high expectations and if the book turns out to be average, I’m crushed. So I don’t end up reading the book at all. Is that weird? Whatever. Anyway, I’m glad to stay this book lived up to its expectation and perhaps climbed up even higher.

A special mention that I’d like to give is that to Frank’s best friend Q Lee. Q’s African American and readers get a glimpse of his different and difficult life as well. I love how Q’s always there for Frank and supports him throughout. I kinda also like his twin sister Evon. Even though she doesn’t exactly play a major role in the novel, I think her character just helped provide those slight pauses – almost like short breathers – during the roller coaster of events. Her habit of hoarding chargers always made me smile.

All in all, this novel made me take a step back and realize how grateful I should be for the little things in life which often go unnoticed. Like Frank’s, my parents had to struggle a whole lot as well to be able to provide for me all the privileges that I currently have. After having read this novel I was pretty overwhelmed, but in the good way…get what I mean?

Enough of me ranting away now. These were just my scrambled thoughts about Frankly in Love by David Yoon. If you haven’t already read this book, I’d recommend you to get in your car, drive to a bookstore, buy it, pick up some donuts on the way back home, get all comfy on your sofa, and read it as soon as possible! I promise you won’t be disappointed!


 – Just Another Magical Soul



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